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A Study on the Risk Recognition and PROTECTION of Semi-Permanent Makeup in Female Students

Vol.6 (No.4) 2021
2021-12-30 10:13


Purpose: Since ancient times, the culture of putting on wounds or paints on the body like a tattoo has been carried on until now. In modern times, the interest, popularity, and market potential of semi-permanent makeup are increasing because it gives confidence and convenience as if wearing makeup. However, continuous research on safety is necessary because the risk factors for semi-permanent makeup are perceived in various aspects such as design, safety of ingredients, belief, worry, pain, and sanitary environment.

Method: The researcher used the questionnaire method to construct questionnaire items with reference to previous studies. The questionnaire was constructed using a 5-point Likert scale and checklist. The questionnaire consisted of questions about demographic variables, the status of semi-permanent makeup, and risk perception factors. The subjects of this study were set as middle and high school girls and female university students from all over the country. The results were derived using frequency analysis.

Results: The risk perception factors of semi-permanent makeup were design, eyebrow color, skin trouble, pain, and product and tool safety. However, there was an opinion(48.6%) that semi-permanent makeup should be performed by a beautician who is good at designing rather than a medical person. 46.4% answered that semi-permanent makeup is a type of makeup. However, as to the reasons for thinking that semi-permanent makeup should be regulated by the medical law, the highest responses were 'because it is more hygienic and the risk of infection is lower if it is done in a hospital' and 'the difference in trustworthiness' was the highest, and anesthetic cream was ranked next.

Conclusion: According to the results of the study on risk perception and protection for semi-permanent makeup, it is recommended that a beautician with design and technology perform the procedure, but in terms of hygiene, infection, trust, and use of anesthetic cream, it should be regulated by the Medical Act. It is presumed to think that Therefore, as in the case of other countries, beauticians are allowed to perform semi-permanent makeup, but thorough education and management on semi-permanent makeup procedures, hygiene management, and safe use of products and tools are required.

Keyword:Risk, Recognition, Semi-Permanent Makeup, Student, Protection
  • Purpose: Since ancient times, the culture of putting on wounds or paints on the body like a tattoo has been carried on until now. In modern times, the interest, popularity, and market potential of semi-permanent makeup are increasing because it gives confidence and convenience as if wearing makeup. However, continuous research on safety is necessary because the risk factors for semi-permanent makeup are perceived in various aspects such as design, safety of ingredients, belief, worry, pain, and sanitary environment. Method: The researcher used the questionnaire method to construct questionnaire items with reference to previous studies. The questionnaire was constructed using a 5-point Likert scale and checklist. The questionnaire consisted of questions about demographic variables, the status of semi-permanent makeup, and risk perception factors. The subjects of this study were set as middle and high school girls and female university students from all over the country. The results were derived using frequency analysis. Results: The risk perception factors of semi-permanent makeup were design, eyebrow color, skin trouble, pain, and product and tool safety. However, there was an opinion(48.6%) that semi-permanent makeup should be performed by a beautician who is good at designing rather than a medical person. 46.4% answered that semi-permanent makeup is a type of makeup. However, as to the reasons for thinking that semi-permanent makeup should be regulated by the medical law, the highest responses were 'because it is more hygienic and the risk of infection is lower if it is done in a hospital' and 'the difference in trustworthiness' was the highest, and anesthetic cream was ranked next. Conclusion: According to the results of the study on risk perception and protection for semi-permanent makeup, it is recommended that a beautician with design and technology perform the procedure, but in terms of hygiene, infection, trust, and use of anesthetic cream, it should be regulated by the Medical Act. It is presumed to think that Therefore, as in the case of other countries, beauticians are allowed to perform semi-permanent makeup, but thorough education and management on semi-permanent makeup procedures, hygiene management, and safe use of products and tools are required.
    Keyword:Risk, Recognition, Semi-Permanent Makeup, Student, Protection
  • Purpose: This study is to analyze the mediating effect of learning immersion in the relationship between NCS-based curriculum and learning satisfaction of the beauty related sector learners. By doing so, it aims to present basic data for revitalizing the beauty education industry and job security and protection by studying the effects of sub-factors of NCS-based curriculum on learning satisfaction of the beauty related sector learners. Method: This study collected 219 copies of answer sheets through an online survey method for learners of beauty related sector at NCS vocational training institutions. An empirical statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 25.0, PROCESS macro for SPSS. Multiple regression analysis and PROCESS macro model 4 were used. The significance of the mediating effect was confirmed through the bootstrap procedure. Results: As a result of conducting multiple regression analysis to verify the effect of the sub-factors of the NCS-based curriculum on learning satisfaction, it was found that educational content, educational method, and educational environment had a statistically significant positive effect on learning satisfaction. It was found that learning satisfaction was affected in the order of educational envi-ronment(β=.370, p<.001), educational method(β=.299, p<.001), and educational content(β=.142, p<.05). In addition, the partial mediating effect of learning immersion was judged to be statistically significant in the relationship between NCS-based curriculum and learning satisfaction. Conclusion: NCS-based curriculum was found to be a major factor in enhancing learning satisfaction in beauty related sector education, and it can be said that it indirectly affects learning satisfaction through learning immersion. Therefore, it is proposed to prepare an educational environment suitable for the characteristics of vocational training in the beauty related sector and develop suitable educational methods. In addition, if learning immersion is strengthened, it is expected to be of great help in achieving the goal.
    Keyword:NCS-Based Curriculum, Learning Satisfaction, Beauty Related Sector, Learning Immersion, Mediating Effect
  • Purpose: The pandemic situation has caused a variety of changes in many areas. In the field of education, real communication of emotion with students has become an issue. The purpose of this study is to examine the causal effect of rapport between professors and students, learning participation and satisfaction in online class under COVID-19 pandemic situation. Method: In order to conduct the research, the online survey was performed for two years university students in Seoul, and three hypotheses were proposed to identify the relationships among three variables such as rapport, participation and learning satisfaction. A total of 207 questionnaires were used for analysis. SPSS 21.0 was used to conduct analysis for hypothesis verification, and the demographic information of the sample was organized by frequency analysis. Also, exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis were conducted to confirm the validity and reliability of each concept measurement item. Lastly, regression analysis was used to examine them. Results: The results of analyses are follows. First, rapport influenced positively learning participation. Second, rapport influenced positively learning satisfaction. Third, learning participation influenced positively learning satisfaction. This result was found to be the same as that of previous studies about learning participation and learning satisfaction. Conclusion: ‘Although it is a study only for two-year college students in Seoul, it has been recognized that students' participation in learning is a major leading variable in improving learning satisfaction. In this study, building rapport between professors and students is an important factor to improve the quality of online class. Hence, professors should focus on how to build rapport effectively and universities should provide practical supports and programs to develop their skills to improve rapport level. It can have a positive effect on students' satisfaction with the university and their academic achievement in the long term.
    Keyword:Rapport, Learning Participation, Learning Satisfaction, Online Class, COVID-19
  • Purpose: This study seeks to examine whether the students who experience difficult vocational curricula can form a healthy vocational mindset and career efficacy based on teachers’ support and career path-related counseling. Moreover, it aims to determine whether students undergoing the vocational education consignment course do, in fact, take up a related career. Method: A total of 624 senior students participated at Ahyeon Industrial Information School. The questionnaire survey was conducted twice. A total of four questions regarding career path counseling were asked, to be scored on a 6-point scale; a total of six questions regarding teachers’ support and another four regarding the learning self were asked, both scored on a 5-point scale; and four questions were asked about career efficacy, to be scored on a 4-point scale. Results: According to the results of the statistical model based on the social cognitive theory, career path counseling and teachers’ support, which correspond to environmental factors, seem to influence the formation of the learning self. The teachers’ support and career path-related counseling influenced career efficacy; however, when the learning self question was added, the relevant effect was not directly demonstrated. Conclusion: The career path-related counseling and teachers’ support also had an effect on the formation of the learning self, and the learning self which was formed had a large effect on the development of career efficacy. Furthermore, career efficacy had a significant effect on career path maturity, mastery approach goal, and performance approach goal, suggesting that it is a powerful factor in helping students make their career path decisions. This study is expected to make a meaningful contribution to reminding them of the need for teachers’ support and career path counseling to help improve students’ learning self and career efficacy when designing game-related content vocational education programs.
    Keyword:Career Path-Related Education, Game-Related Content Vocational Education, Learning Self, Career Efficacy, Korean Secondary Students
  • Purpose: This study prohibits discrimination against the disabled and, in order to correct it, based on the grand principle of guaranteeing the equal rights of the disabled and prohibiting discrimination, Revision of the Constitution for the substantial realization of equal rights in the direction of realizing practical equality, demand for protection and treatment in consideration of the obstacles to mandatory provision of legitimate convenience, It is required to prohibit discrimination against non-compliance, strengthen support for vocational competency development, prohibit direct/indirect discrimination, and protect basic living rights. Therefore, the purpose is to solve this problem Method: Based on the existing prior thesis, it is an attempt to compare and analyze the current law, previous studies, and foreign legislative cases, and to implement a new Act on the Prohibition of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities. Results: The issues and improvement measures of the current Act on the Prohibition of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities in Korea for the realization of equal rights for persons with disabilities were presented in three specific results. First, Amendment of the disabled related policy as the provisions for the basic principles in the constitution. Second, specific regulations on guaranteeing the right to equality of the disabled and prohibiting discrimination against disability Third, it is a right regulation for guaranteeing human life and social equality of the disabled. Conclusion: This study proposed alternatives to protecting the disabled and prohibiting discrimination against the disabled in the lack of legislation related to the prohibition of discrimination against the disabled and revising the Constitution to realize the right to equality for the disabled.
    Keyword:Disabled Discrimination Prohibition Act, Discrimination Against the Disabled, Practical Right to Equality, Basic Rights, Lack of Legislation
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine and understand the effects of oxidation potential solution treatment which does not cause an environmental pollution and hair damages when hair is damaged by repeated washing, perming, and dyeing of wigs, etc., and this study is meaningful in that it provides the basic data which may properly be use for an environmentally friendly oxidation potential solution in the field of beauty. Method: Soak the damaged and tangled wigs in a reduction potential solution of pH 11 for 30 minutes to remove wastes and shampoo, then apply the treatment and let it sit naturally for 30 minutes, then classified the control group which rinsed clinic with tap water without undergoing the oxidative potential water treatment and the experimental group which rinsed clinic with the oxidation potential solution, thereby comparatively analyzing the extent of entanglement, elasticity, and gloss of the hair. Results: First, the hair was immersed in a reduction potential solution of pH 11 for 30 minutes, then shampooed. Consequently, it was discovered that both the experimental group and the control group did not get their hair entangled any more. Second, the control group at which the treatment was rinsed with tap water had even more entangled hair and even after they were combed, they looked stretched and poor. In the experimental group which rinsed with the oxidation potential solution, the tangled hair became loose, combing was made easier, and the hair's gloss and softness turned out relatively well. Conclusion: Based on the information above, it was demonstrated that the extent of damages for the control group’s wigs without the oxidation potential solution treatment increased during shampooing, while the experimental group’s wigs treated with the oxidation potential solution demonstrated little damages and maintained elastic hair. This is because the product is completed by removing the cuticles from the hair with acid treatment during the wig’s manufacturing process to prevent the entanglement of the hair, and hence, with an alkaline shampoo, almost no cuticles are left behind, making them rough, and the loss of polypeptide in the hair increases the damages. Meanwhile, the oxidation potential solution(pH 2-11) has a lower chlorine concentration compared to the general chlorine based disinfectants, and hence, it is easy to decompose and does not cause environmental pollution, and it was also confirmed that there is no further damage caused to the hair as there is no secondary damage given the residues because it is reduced to its properties.
    Keyword:Wig Damage Related Repair, Protection Clinic, Oxidation Potential Solution, Reduction Potential Solution, Polypeptide